وينذر الذين قالوا اتخذ الله ولدا

وعند منبع النور كان طهوري💙
"الحمد لله الذي أنزل على عبده الكتاب ولم يجعل له عوجا قيما لينذر بأسا شديدا من لدنه ويبشر المؤمنين الذين يعملون الصالحات أن لهم أجرا حسنا ماكثين فيه أبدا وينذر الذين قالوا اتخذ الله ولدا مالهم به من علم ولا لأبائهم كبرت كلمة تخرج من أفواههم إن يقولون إلا كذبا" سورة الكهف 
... (1) [All] praise is [due] to Allāh, who has sent down upon His Servant [Muḥammad (ﷺ)] the Book and has not made therein any deviance
(2) [He has made it] straight, to warn of severe punishment from Him and to give good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a good reward
(3) In which they will remain forever
(4) And to warn those who say, "Allāh has taken a son" (5) They have no knowledge of it,[780] nor had their fathers. Grave is the word that comes out of their mouths; they speak not except a lie (6) Then perhaps you would kill yourself through grief over them, [O Muḥammad], if they do not believe in this message, [and] out of sorrow


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

سنغدوا رفاتا ويبقى الأثر

واشوقاه لمن يرانى ولا اراه

وما كان الله ليضيع إيمانكم إن الله بالناس لرؤوف رحيم